Jan 19 Love0 Looking back at 2014 By gergkaufman brand, brand identity, dance, design, gergwerk, gui, portfolio, Stimulant, typography, Uncategorized Lets take a look back at the work I was a part of in 2014. First, a project that has won the top spot for best use of technology at…Read More
Jul 29 Love0 multi touch light table By gergkaufman ac slater, after effects, aniki, czr, deadmau5, dj, dj culture, electro, fidget, gergwerk, graphic user interface, gui, illustrator, multi touch, multi touch interface, photoshop, udachi initial sketches paper prototypes for scale and arrangement purposesinstruments change shape depending on what hand gestures you use. the tools evolve with the dj. because each dj has a different…Read More