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Immortalized…in print.

By June 27, 2011design, gergwerk

I received some exciting news the other day. I just heard word that the new edition of Gestalten’s book, A Touch of Code: Interactive Installations and Experiences, is out. Why is this exciting  you ask? Well class, if you would turn to spread 64 – 65, the wobbly shapes of my multi touch light table project will hit the back of your brains. I am very honored to have been chosen to be a part of this publication. No, not just because this is the first book I am published in, but common, it’s DIE GESTALTEN VERLAG for cryin’ out loud.  Even though you still don’t believe me, here is some documentation.




a_touch_of_code_gergwerkSpreadDetailthat’s right…I’ve known about this for months and kept it a secret from you.

Here is a small writeup about the book:

“Thanks to the omnipresence of computers, cell phones, gaming systems, and the internet, a broad audience has traded its past reservations against technology for an almost insatiable curiosity for all things technical. Against this background, unprecedented new tools and possibilities are opening up for the world of design. In addition to sketchbooks and computers, young designers are increasingly using programming languages, soldering irons, sensors, and microprocessors as well as 3D milling or rapid prototyping machines in their work. The innovative use of powerful hardware and software has become affordable and, most of all, much easier to use. Today, the sky is the limit when it comes to ideas for experimental media, unconventional interfaces, and interactive spatial experiences.” –Yatzer.

There are tons of amazing artists in this book. Just to name a few: Atelier Markograph, Moritz, Waldemeyer, Troika, Dan Roosegaarde, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Random International, United Visual Artists, ART+COM, Sifteo, Carlos J.Gomez de Liarena, Graffiti Research Lab, KMA, Sonice Development, David Bowen, Julius von Bismarck and The Green Eyl.  So if you like digital art, interactive art or just want to be cool, this is a no brainer – check it out!

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  • Andrew says:

    Just saw the video of this on vimeo – very cool.
    Will have to check out this book too by the sounds of things.