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What the heck have I been up to?

By May 29, 2011Uncategorized

Unfortunately because a million NDA documents I sign as a freelance designer, I can’t show you the really cool stuff I’ve been working on. But I can tell you about a really exciting experience I’ve had recently.

Over the last couple weeks, I have been talking with a representative from Google about a possible job opportunity. What I didn’t immediately realize is the amount of resumes these guys get on a daily basis. I’m talking around 1,300 a day. I heard somewhere they end up declining 97% of applicants per year. So for them to email me out of the blue and start talking about meeting for interviews is something I am very excited about. Lets just say that after a phone interview or two, things went better than expected. They called me up for an on-site interview. Here are some shots I took while on the Google campus!

Well I must be ‘here’.

Parking wasn’t too easy… Until I found this.

“What’s up?” “Oh, not much. Just munching on this pink flamingo.”

mess hall And if you’re wondering if I got to experience Google’s fine dining… no, but I did take this picture.

google wheelsSweet Google wheels.

“What kinds of questions did they ask? Did they ask you the weird questions? What about the one, ‘how many golf balls it takes to fill a school bus?’” No, no and no. I’ve been hearing a lot of horror stories about the kinds of questions Google asks to their interviewees. Unlike the unfortunate souls that had to answer those questions, luckily they asked me very practical ones. I could tell you what they asked, but then I’d also have to kill you.

Remember that what I said about all of the people they turned down? Well I got this in the mail a couple weeks later.

google offer

Although I did not end up taking the position at Google, the whole process was a great experience. I had an exciting time at Google, and met some really amazing people. I am very thankful for the opportunity I had with them. Thank you Google for a great time on your campus!